Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Damn it feels good to be a gangsta

It’s not that I didn’t think I could do it, it was more just one of those ‘bite the bullet’ type of moments. It wasn’t long ago that I first got over any anxiety I had about riding my borrowed bike in and out of traffic, so to do it all alone in a new city for approximately 6.5 miles first thing in the morning – well – it was slightly unnerving. But not so much that I didn’t do it. And now? Now I am morally superior!!!

I think that much we all know. Oh gosh. Literally two seconds after writing that I went to take a drink of water and completely missed my mouth spilling it all over my desk. Me. F. T. W.

So, yeah. I rode my bike to work this morning, which means I have/get to ride it home. Bike commuting rules, to be sure, but it does take some getting used to – namely in the THIGH area. And my God my lungs are out of shape. (I blame you late night Portland parties). I rode from my mom’s house in Magnolia to the U District. Really not a bad route considering 5.5 miles of it are spent on the beautiful, well-paved Burke-Gilman trail.

Burke-Gilman (actual photograph!)

This path took me through the best industrial fish processing shit storm machines that Ballard has to offer before dumping me along some lovely canal, which I am sure has a name, but which I just think of as the Duffy Boat canal. It is right before the Fremont Bridge and it’s pretty rough riding along watching the glassy surface of the morning water break from hungry fish or the gliding paddles of those lunatic rowers who got up earlier and burned more calories than me this morning. Jerks.

Duffy Boat Canal (Internet Stock)

I like to think I will bike commute, oh, say, 3 times a week? If not more. And when it’s not bike, it’s bus. This is my environmental favor for the time I’m in Seattle, as well as my attempt to have a bangin ass body when I return to P-town. I would like to buy vintage clothes. Bags and bags of vintage clothes. Girls whose clothes I want to buy were once midgets, so I have to shrink down to look tres cool. Who am I kidding? I will never look tres cool, but whatever! I can still have killer stems.

And yes, the ultimate goal is to make this a permanent thing. With all the perks of bike riding, why would I want to go back to sitting in my car dealing with asshole drivers while I stink up the ozone and let the world pass me by? Plus, bike riding is fun. ‘Nuff said.

Special thanks to Ryan Miller for lending me his, uh, Soma (insert cool bike knowledge here – sorry babe – I forget) I will protect it with my, uh, … well let’s just say I will protect it really, really well.

PS - every person that comes into work this morning and sees my bike sitting here gives me a "Well done!" or a "Good for you!" See, I am helping them feel good too. again, ftw.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! bike commuting! I kinda miss having to commute anywhere regularly so do it up!
