Friday, July 23, 2010

Friday, I'm in Love with You

This week. This week is best summed up with my decision to write a blog post on Wednesday night that flowed freely and spoke openly about my attempts at positivity in the face of unforeseen hardships related to this move. It was pretty good. I felt good writing it and felt good reading it and was like, yeah! Wow! I am a champion!

Enter the following morning when I rolled over in bed and before doing anything else, deleted the entire thing, adorable picture and all. Shit. Needless to say, this week has been rough city for me! Change is hard. For everyone. I know. But for me, it is my Achilles. I’ve always struggled to deal with change and had to force myself into those uncomfortable situations and have usually come out happier for it. So while I know it’s hard, I also know it’s good and if you want to grow and learn at all in this crazy world….then change is the necessary evil we all must face.

So, here it is Friday and I am at work (I know, I know) and my job is picking up a bit and they let me wear whatever I want (Chucks – yeah!) and they all have Ph.D’s and talk about nerdy, research-heavy topics, and I can walk out the door at 4 every day, and I commute by bus (and soon to be bike), and I work on a beautiful campus surrounded by funky shops and even funkier people, and it’s Seattle, not Guam, so I mean, all in all, there are some positive aspects to this decision to move away from the home I love so much.

I haven’t done much this week but try relentlessly, and at times hopelessly, to get a hold on my emotions. New job? New living situation? All my crap in boxes? Far away from friends? No more gorgeous, Portland apartment? No more gorgeous daily Portland period??? Sigggghhhhhh. It’s not ideal. BUT! I am making money and relieving some stress off those who have spent far too long supporting me. And I am living rent-free, which means I have months to save up for the house that trumps the apartment and becomes the ultimate in SE Portland living….

Speaking of Portland, I am headed there after work today. My first weekend back and MY GOD it took so long to get here! Needless to say, I am having my second happy, positive day this week. 2/3, not terrible. Here’s hoping that next week the tables turn in my favor.

Here's to Portland. I'll see you today, yo!

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